Post Surgery Update

I did manage to get ahold of the winner of 100 DAYS OF HAPPINESS by Fausto Brizzi. Strangely enough, she was also having surgery. Now is home recovering nicely, thank heavens.

Just a short post to let you know I am doing well.  The type of hip replacement surgery I had was a newer version they refer to as anterior. It is less invasive with a quicker recovery time. Dr. did not have to cut through any muscle or tendon. This is a good thing since that is what holds the recovery up. My movements are not as restricted. I can bend and move around more.  Still, it is recovery from major surgery. I keep reminding myself of this. I am taking the least amount of pain medication as possible. However, you do need some. Being a martyr is not a good thing. There is a fine line. Some people are just more tolerable of medication.  I am a person who took almost no medication just a few years ago. Now I  have a bundle of them. Most are temporary, but, still, it is daunting. I have a detailed list and cross stuff off all day long. I have two wonderful women who come to my house most days. I have a home health nurse who takes note of my medications and cares for my “wounded” area. I also have a Physical Therapist who is smart and strong and sensible. These two strong women are helping me get myself back to where I need to be. I am grateful for their help.

I thought I would be able to read masses of books right after surgery. Instead I was pretty much stuck with doing mindless games on my ipad. And most of the time I was not even able to concentrate on them. Yuck. Now, however, I am reading up a storm and will have some reviews for you soon.

You know we have a houseful of kitties, of which three are kittens. I’m sure some of you are wondering how I’m doing maneuvering around the house amidst cat toys etc. Surprisingly enough it’s not been a problem.  They are old enough now to get out of the way. And I am very cautious. This morning was a moment to remember, though. It could truly have been a YouTube sensation if I had it on camera. I was settled into my chair reading the morning paper. My walker was idle by my chair. Kiki, my four-month-old seal point kitten, was alseep on the seat. Her brother, Wyatt, came along and decided to take off with the walker, giving her a ride. He was up on his hind feet pushing the walker across the living room. It was hilarious. Of course, retrieving the walker was another story.

I hope everyone is reading something good. Let me know if you are. More to come.

6 thoughts on “Post Surgery Update

  1. That’s a great update – remembered you were having surgery but forgot what it was for so appreciated all the details. Sounds like you are doing fine, and that is really good news. Keep up the good work!

  2. So glad you are doing well from your surgery. My husband had the same procedure 8 years ago in NC and he is a new man!!! Gail Clifton

  3. Hurray for you! I’ve had too many orthopedic events so I am simpatica. I am doing better than I expected from my spinal fusion on July 10. I’m teaching this semester, two days a week, and that is going fine. The best thing is that I am sleeping well after months, years(?) of bad sleep. I’ll be 66 in November so it’s hard to say what is old age and what is pain related. I enjoyed your description of the kitties. I had two cats spanning twenty years. Now we have a fantastic bichon frise named Buckles. The Tampa Tribune carries a comic strip about a dog named Buckles who lives with Jill and Paul. Since I am Jill and my husband is Paul, it was the only name for our doggie son. I hope your recovery goes as well as mine has!


    Jill Solomon Marketing Instructor AMA Advisor Muma College of Business University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Ave., BSN3403 Tampa, FL 33620 Office: 813.974.6208 Sent from my iPad

    Get involved. Stand out. Be AMAzing.

  4. Glad to hear you are doing well. When was your surgery? Who did it? The reason I ask is that I am having my right hip done on this Friday, anterior as well. You probably don’t remember me, but I attend the book group at Palmira that Diane Sutta organizes for you to speak. I also won a book last year.

    Take care and continue to heal!

    Nancy Nortz

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