Real Americans by Rachel Khong

Rachel Khong brought us a unique novel a couple years ago with HELLO, VITAMIN. It was her freshman attempt with a novel and she hit her mark with plenty of standing ovations. Now she’s back with a more mature novel that begs us to ask ourselves, “who deserves to call themselves” REAL AMERICANS.

Jenna from the Today Show Bookclub chose REAL AMERICANS for her monthly book. I have become skeptical of some of Jenna’s choices over the past year. However, I am here to tell you not to miss this wonderful sophomore novel.

Khong begins her story in the sixties where two young scientists meet during a very tumultuous time in Chinese history. The cultural revolution and the Red Guards are banning and burning books and artifacts, trying to erase history.

The story divides when Mei leaves China for America. Little does she know how her background will follow her into this new life and far beyond.

This complicated story compelled me to read much longer than I expected most days. It’s totally unique and begs you to use your brain to see into the reasoning and feel the depth. What a ride. Up and down, in and out. I could not figure out the mystery until the very end.

Not wishing to spoil the read for you, I am saying no more. Just put this important novel on your RBR summer pile. I read my copy through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. A very important read that begs to be read. I loved it!

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