You Know When the Men Are Gone

This new collection of short stories by Siobhan Fallon

You Know When the Mean Are Gone

You Know When the Mean Are Gone

takes fiction to a new level.  She has managed to put her finger on the pulse of military life outside and within the war zone.

These eight stories are connected through Fort Hood, Texas, where Fallon lived while her husband was deployed more then twice to war zones on the other side of the world. This is current. She knows first hand what it means to be the one left behind.

These stories are told in the voices of both the spouses left behind and the servicemen deployed to spots in the middle east. They are both inciteful and disturbing. But they are written in a bold new voice filled with the authenticity of having been exposed to all sorts of situations while living on a military base.


Siobhan Fallon

This quick read will surely pique your interest and quell your curiosity of what goes on behind the scenes to families and loved ones in the military.

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